Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? is an animated musical television special written by Dr. Seuss, directed by Gerald Baldwin, produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, completed in 1979 and first aired on ABC on May 2, 1980. This was one of the final cartoons done at DePatie-Freleng as the studio would be sold to Marvel Comics and become Marvel Productions in 1981. The songs are by Joe Raposo.
In this special, Pontoffel Pock gets fired from his job at a pickle factory, wishing he could get away from it all and receives a magical piano from jolly fairy McGullicuddy. Pock embarks on a series od loopy misadventures as the flying piano enables him to travel around the world. In Casbahmopolis, which is in the Middle East, Pontoffel catches his eyes on a famous eyeball dancer named Neefa Feefa, who dislikes her job of dancing for the Sultan, and like Pontoffel, wants to get away from it all. Unfortunately, Pontoffel is separated in several places and he has to go back to Neefa Feefa. With the help of the fairies who sang, "Pontoffel Pock, Where The Heck Are You?", they bring Pontoffel and Neefa home together on the piano and for proving his worth, Pontoffel is rehired as a Dill Pickle Factory employee along with Neefa Feefa.
The special features the voices of Sue Allen as Neefa Feefa. Ken Lundie as Higbee. Don Messick as Humboldt. Wayne Morton as Pontoffel Pock. Joe Raposo as Gil Gickler the Pickle Factory President. And Hal Smith as both McGillicuddy and Good Fairy-in-Chief.
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