Charlotte's Web is a 1973 American animated musical film produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and Sagittarius Productions and based upon the 1952 children's book of the same name by E.B. White. The film, like the book, is about a pig named Wilbur who befriends an intelligent spider named Charlotte who saves him from being slaughtered and was distributed to theaters by Paramount Pictures on March 1, 1973. It is the first of only three Hanna-Barbera features not based upon one of their famous television cartoons such as Heidi's Song in 1982 and Once Upon a Forest in 1993, being the other two - and was a moderate critical and commercial success. The song score of lyrics and music was written by the Sherman Brothers, who had previously written music for family films like: Mary Poppins in 1964, The Jungle Book in 1967, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in 1968, and before three of Winnie the Pooh featurettes. After the studio decided to make the film, Joseph Barbera visited E.B. White in Maine.
The musical cartoon movie features the voices of Debbie Reynolds as Charlotte A. Cavatica. Paul Lynde as Templeton the rat. Henry Gibson as Wilbur the pig. Agnes Moorehead as the Goose. Don Messick as Jeffrey the chick. Dave Madden the Ram the sheep. Pamelyn Ferdin as Fern Arable. John Stephenson as John Arable. Martha Scott as Mrs. Arable. Danny Bonaduce as Avery Arable. William B. White as Henry Fussy. Bob Holt as Homer Zuckerman. Joan Gerber as Edith Zuckerman and Mrs. Fussy. And Herb Vigran as Lurvy. The movie is narrated by Rex Allen.
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